Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lemon Truffle Pie

This recipe came from a student when I taught Cosmetology. She always brought in great treats for celebrations.
What you need:

1- 9 inch pie shell, baked and cooled.
1 C granulated sugar
2 TBSP cornstarch
2 TBSP all-purpose flour
1 C water
2 egg yolks, beaten
1 TBSP butter
1/2 tsp grated lemon peel
1/4 C lemon juice
1 C vanilla milk chips or 6 oz. pkg. white baking bar, chopped
1 8 oz. pkg. light cream cheese, softened

In medium saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch, and flour; mix well. Gradually stir in water until smooth. Cook over medium heat until mixture thickens and boils. Stir frequently. Reduce heat; cook two minutes. Remove from heat. Add a small mount to the yolks, blend together, pour yolks into sauce pan. Return to medium heat and until mixture comes to a boil. Stir frequently, or constantly. DO NOT ALLOW IT TO BURN. Reduce heat and cook two minutes. Remove from heat and stir in butter, lemon peel and juice.
In a separate sauce pan stir together the vanilla chips and 1/3 of lemon mixture. Cook over low heat until chips melt.
Beat cream cheese until fluffy. Add in the vanilla milk chip mixture. Pour into pie shell. Spoon remaining lemon mixture on top.
Chill 2-3 hours.
You can top it with whipping cream and toasted almonds.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Trick - or-Treat bags

The air has gotten cooler, so my mind wanders to Halloween. Let's face it, as a parent, it kicks off the Holiday season. These are some trick-or-treat bags I made for my girls. The bag is made from a towel and an appliqué of your favorite Halloween image.
I got these images from a book.

Friday, August 20, 2010


In our house, rolls are a yummy treat. I make rolls called Lion House Rolls. If you are ever in Salt Lake City, stop by the Lion House or any Deseret Book and pick up some rolls. They are awesome! Here is the recipe I use:
2/3 C Dry milk
2 C really warm water
Mix the two ingredients together until the dry milk dissolves.
Add to this:
2 TBSP yeast
1/3 C sugar
1/3 C soft butter
2 tsp salt
1 egg
1 C flour
Mix these ingredients on low. Add 4 more cups of flour 1 C at a time.
Let the dough rise about 30 min.
Turn out dough on to floured surface.
Knead in flour if needed.
Roll out and ***shape as desired.
I follow the instructions for the Lion House rolls and cut the dough into rectangles and roll them up.
Let rise until double in size. This is roughly 1-1/2 hrs.
Bake at 375 around 15-19 min.
Brush the tops of hot rolls with melted butter.
*** You can brush melted butter on the dough after it is rolled out before it is shaped.

If you want the actual recipe, it is in any Lion House Recipe book. You will also find a lot of delicious recipes in each book.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Halloween tutus

Yesterday I made these tutus for my two girls. They will look great during the Wee Witches Weekend at Gardiner Village! I am going to make them some shirts as well.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Book Purse Tutorial

Welcome to my first Tutorial! I am making a few Christmas gifts. I know, it's early, but Christmas always sneaks up on me and I spend more time behind the scenes in preparation. This year, I want to enjoy the season. I am making a book purse for a niece. I looked at a variety of tutorials, but I tweaked them to make my own.

First, gather your supplies:
A hard bound book - make sure you won't be tempted to keep the book!
1/4 yrd. Fabric of your choice
A hot glue gun
Card board paper

Using an exacto carefully cut out the pages of the book, leaving only the hard cover.

Now, decide how wide you want the purse to open. Trace this on a piece of paper to serve as a template. Trace the outer edges.

Place the paper own the wrong side of the fabric and cut 1/4-1/2 inch from the edge of the paper. Fold over the tops, from the right side to the wrong side and sew it down. (It kind of looks like a bikini top when placed side by side!)

Make the handles. Cut two strips of fabric 3 inches by 12 inches. Fold in half length wise and press with iron. Open up and fold edges into fold, both sides. Press, fold in half and press.
Lay the book open and measure from one side to the other, add 3/4" all around. Cut out. You can fold the fabric, but I would recommend to wait until the poster board is cut out. Measure just one side, cut 2 pieces of poster board 1/4" less on all sides.
Begin to assemble the purse. First, glue the sides in the ends of the book with the right side of the fabric facing out.
Next, spray one side of the poster board with spray adhesive. This will allow you to place the fabric tightly against the poster board. Place the poster board with the sticky part on the wrong side of the fabric, with some fabric folded on the other side. Next, place the handles where you want them to be. I placed mine 1-1/2" from the ends. Hot glue them in place.
Glue the inside of the purse. Begin from the base and work up. Have the right side of the fabric facing out.
Viola! You have a book purse. I wanted to make another, but my husband wanted the book!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Preparing for Winter

I know it's still summer, but I am getting ready for winter. When November rolls around, it never fails that my husband gets a nasty cold and I go to the store to stock up on cold medicine. I finally have decided to be proactive. I am buying my supplies before the cold season hits. This is the plan:
Every other week I buy something to go into the medicine cabinet. The first was throat lozenges and cough drops. Next week I will get some Dayquil. I also plan to get some things for the girls to help them when the cold season begins. I hope that I will be prepared this year and will not have to make any surprise trips to the store.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back From The Land of Busy

Hi,I'm slowly emerging from from all of the stuff I have been busy doing. A lot of it is a final project for school. I am finally finished! Can I get a "Whoop, Whoop"?
I have also been doing some projects. Don't worry, I'll start showing them off. I also have a few ideas to showcase, plus my first tutorial! I will start to really organize this blog, the ride will be bumpy, but I'll get there.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Wow, I just decided to start a blog! My husband has been urging me to start one for a while. We are trying to slow down tonight, but the girls won't cooperate. Isn't that life?